I read an article the other day talking about runners v.
joggers and in it the author admitted that he was a jogger. I won’t
regurgitate the whole article (though here’s a link because it is
amusing: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/25/jogger-not-runner-stuart-heritage1
) but I will say it got me thinking about some of the differences between me
and Matt when it comes to running.
Matt is squarely in the runner
category. If you go by the author’s definition, I’m a runner, too, but
probably a little closer to the center on the jogger-runner spectrum.
Don’t get me wrong, I have run 20 miles in the pouring rain just to get in one
more long run before one of my five marathons, but I draw the line when there
is a foot of snow or ice. Matt doesn’t draw the line at any weather
condition when it comes to running. Sometimes my alarm goes off and I
roll over, but not Matt. He would have put his clothes out the night
before to prevent any sort of excuses. I carry water and food for
anything over 10 miles, but Matt only carries water if I force him to.
could go on and on, but instead I’ll just focus on one big difference—food
consumption. It is impressive the amounts of food that he can consume
without thought or care that his pants might not fit. When he is in
hardcore training mode he probably runs 60-80 miles a week. He’ll
sometimes wake up in the middle of the night hungry and go make himself a
sandwich. It is probably fair to say that his daily intake when he is at
a training highpoint for something is twice what mine is. Have you seen
Matt? He’s 5’11” and weighs 150 lbs (about 145 when training). The
last time he got his body fat percentage checked he says it was about 4
percent. That crazy metabolism follows him around in the “off season,”
too. Sometimes it really annoys me. When we first started dating
one of his dinner staples was a meal of chicken nuggets and smiley fries.
Most of his meals required heating rather than cooking so not exactly the
healthiest. I will say that he has always been big on salads (though his ranch
dressing and croutons do make up most of the salad’s composition). The
quality of his food consumption has improved since we got married, but the
quantity is unchanged and he still eats at least two cookies a day and eats
doughnuts at least once a week.
He has passed on this love for treats to
our girls who are always willing to help him eat a cookie as soon as he gets
home from work or make a stop at Dunkin Donuts just because. My guess is
that as soon as Zachary learns that there is more than pureed food and puffs,
he’ll want cookies and doughnuts, too. I
hope they grow up to be runners with awesome metabolisms, just like their
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