Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ice, ice, and more ice.

So here we are in the middle of April and the weathermen are saying we could get some snow flurries tonight.  Right now, it is just rain.  Winter running isn’t always fun and I worry about Matt more when there is bad weather.  Early on in our courtship, Matt hurt his knee running.  It was months before he was running normally and that same knee is to blame occasionally for flare ups.  He even broke down and went to physical therapy to try to get better.  He had been out running on a trail near his apartment where he ran most of his runs and fell on ice…hard.  Naturally, as the concerned girlfriend and then wife, I decided then and there to always caution him on his way out the door if there was even a possibility that there could be a patch of ice.  Ice is definitely something that he can’t see.  Last winter, a good seven plus years into our relationship, Matt was heading out for one of his winter runs getting ready for a race and I again told him to be careful.  Once I get a worry in my head, it doesn’t go away so at least I am consistent.  Apparently it was one good intentioned reminder about ice too many because he blurted out, “I didn’t fall on ice!  I ran into a fire hydrant.  We hadn’t been dating very long and I was too embarrassed to tell you!”  A fire hydrant?  I didn’t see that one coming.  In an effort to be helpful, I haven’t told him to watch out for fire hydrants on his way out for a run.  If there is another fire hydrant incident, I might reconsider.  I do still warn him about ice, even though I’m not sure he’s ever actually had a bad spill on ice.  Here’s hoping winter is behind us!


  1. Has he shared the story of getting hit by a parked car during the '00 XC time trial?
    Keep the posts coming, we'll be cheering Matt on from Kentucky!
